GRE Staff Favorites!
Click on the GRE Staff Member below to see their favorite things!
NOTE: Table is sorted by Last Name
Name | Robin Fox |
Your Grade or Job Title | Gen Ed Para Pro |
What is your favorite type of food? | Mecican and cheese burgers |
What is your favorite dish? | Grilled burgers |
What is your favorite local restaurant? | La Loma in castle tovk |
What is your favorite beverage? | Ice cold coke |
Do you drink coffee? If so, what kind? What's your favorite drink at Starbucks (or wherever you go)? | Green iced tea no sugar |
What is your favorite dessert? | German chocolate cake |
Do you have any dietary restrictions? | None |
If you could have anything to eat today, what would it be? | Freddy’s kids meal extra pickles |
What is your regular lunch time during the day? | 12:45 |
If you could receive any type of gift card, what would you pick? Please list your top 3 choices | Target |
Do you have any special requests/needs for your classroom or office? | N/a |