GRE Staff Favorites!

Click on the GRE Staff Member below to see their favorite things!

NOTE: Table is sorted by Last Name

NameJanna Twedell
Your Grade or Job TitleSSN Para
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What is your favorite type of food?

Anything ethnic. And spicy!

What is your favorite dish?

Chicken Saag

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Napal India
African Grill
Cafe Jordano

What is your favorite beverage?

Any tea!

Do you drink coffee? If so, what kind? What's your favorite drink at Starbucks (or wherever you go)?

Cortado from Corvus Coffee

What is your favorite dessert?


Do you have any dietary restrictions?

I don't eat sugar but not allergic.

If you could have anything to eat today, what would it be?


What is your regular lunch time during the day?


If you could receive any type of gift card, what would you pick? Please list your top 3 choices

Nail place